The Garden Party
For cloistered out here, away from all human influence, free of all the clutter and the bustle and the bars, their words took on a life of their own. They took our language and turned it into something new, gave it an alien life.
A Little Too Much Sun
You can wake up to someone day after day and still they’ll appear disfigured somehow, pummeled by the early light.
from “The Keeper”
There are always reasons one begins to write an endless letter to someone who neither exists, nor ever wanted to. When I started, I was someone, too. Now, to keep going, I sit in the workshop, erasing.
The Big World Versus the Little World
They light their soft mustaches with the beating glow of their phones, jingling the hits and misses of a shooting game. They wave them in the air, “Over there,” they yell and disappear. Bugs are erect in the tall grass. I run toward the children, and they toward me, or away, and I run toward them again, barely missing. Their faces gleam green, pink, then red, and purple.
Manual for the First Field
"Let me duck out of the olden days that I may be free now / somewhat over the choppy waves.
Last time I saw her, it was also during hurricane season, I said—there to inspect the land before it got washed away, I thought. She wanted to see what our constructed world was like before it was leveled again.
Like those whosay light accumulates — step closer understanding that weshudder at what youbuild.
Breath Gradients, Block by Block
J & C & I peel our greens
into trash bags a little fast
our tempos try to forget
debt’s discipline trash bags
of greens pile against the fence
A Spring Flows Only Sparingly
There was cruelty in the pits there were
Grace notes connoting invisible
Satisfactions there was a cloud
Of purple exhaust glittering with
Fossil flowers & the looming
Silhouettes of yet-to-be evolved birds.
Successful Encounters
Hector asked if anyone had run into Gloria. She’d had her last chemo on Friday, he said, which most of us already knew. But no one had seen her since then, all agreeing it was likely she had family in town. And what a marvel it was—I often thought this—knowing the intimate developments of near strangers’ lives.
Shrimp Crystal Flavor Packets
a conceptual shrimp uses its limbs to reshape the reader’s mind, mounding and clefting your mental world until it is the mental world of some other creature: shark, scallop, arthropod boiled down to pure flavor crunch.
Talking Birds
It was my mother who taught me that hummingbirds don’t sleep: they fall into a state called torpor, which is deeper than sleep, more akin to hibernation.
“First Funeral in Four Months” and “On Visiting Aunt Rosa & Car Racing”
I’m a little out of the loop.
Before the service, I buy breath mints
instead of flowers.
I wear the wrong shoes.
I leave my facial tissue in the car.
Artificial Intelligence
“We can break the fourth wall. We’re writers—we do that.”
“I’m not that kind of writer,” I said.
“Smart Poem” and “Good Person”
I keep meaning to write a poem about something really smart.