Excerpt Jeremy Gordon Excerpt Jeremy Gordon

from “See Friendship”

The student loan bubble? Tensions with China? The hollowing of rural America? The collapse of the reasonable center? Medical debt, race relations? My God, the climate crisis, and on top of all that the looming threat of another four years, which, all liberal hysteria aside, our enemies in the Kremlin were probably planning right this moment? It added up, and it added up, and it added up until one actually could not believe how much it was adding up.

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Excerpt Samuel Ace Excerpt Samuel Ace

from “I want to start by saying”

I want to start by saying that in the fifties and sixties Jews and Blacks moved into Shaker Heights.

I want to start by saying that the press said they were welcomed.

I want to start by saying they were not welcomed.

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Excerpt Jake Reber Excerpt Jake Reber

from “Gloom 11: Epilogue”

Smoke. Morphine induced reflective flashback. Restricted area. Observe > feel > transcribe > reflect > repeat. Hospital bed. Breaking news. Large blast. Conspiracies. Message boards. Static. Dread. Cybrids. Phantom limb.

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Excerpt Madeline McDonnell Excerpt Madeline McDonnell

excerpt from “Lonesome Ballroom”

I didn’t remember ever actually introducing myself to Lizzie, didn’t remember telling the barmaid about my tenuous tenure in what passed in X for an art world, though I must have, at some point, because there she always was, hovering stern and sudden above, everything she wasn’t asking me aloud blaring through her glare.

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Excerpt Imani Elizabeth Jackson Excerpt Imani Elizabeth Jackson

from “Flag”

I imitated a cormorant’s wings with my elbows, flocking with the birds, then I turned to walk home alone.

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Excerpt Jordan Dunn Excerpt Jordan Dunn

from “Notation”

The buds are insistent that the roots' energy is expressed despite the trunk’s non-existence, and there is little evidence I have tried to live a single moment with such vigor.

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Excerpt Mandy-Suzanne Wong Excerpt Mandy-Suzanne Wong

from “Cybernetics, or Ghosts?”

Officially, what happened in the story hadn’t happened and the story didn’t exist. It had never been compiled and was never to be uttered outside official hearings. In this matter, secrecy was of paramount importance: somebody would be made to take responsibility regardless of what anybody thought about stories.

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Excerpt Maya Abu Al-Hayyat, Hazem Jamjoum Excerpt Maya Abu Al-Hayyat, Hazem Jamjoum

from “No One Knows Their Blood Type”

Death is on offer, on our screens, free of charge. Revolutions everywhere—Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Syria. I try to formulate my stance on each of them, but I can’t. I want to go out and declare a revolution against something, but I can’t.

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Excerpt Daisy Atterbury Excerpt Daisy Atterbury

from “The Kármán Line”

This desert basin, here, or volcano crater, there, exist outside language—yet they’ve become places, narrated by discourses of nation, produced through imaginaries of space.

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