FictionPoetry, Fiction & Poetry Chelsea Hogue FictionPoetry, Fiction & Poetry Chelsea Hogue

The Big World Versus the Little World

They light their soft mustaches with the beating glow of their phones, jingling the hits and misses of a shooting game. They wave them in the air, “Over there,” they yell and disappear. Bugs are erect in the tall grass. I run toward the children, and they toward me, or away, and I run toward them again, barely missing. Their faces gleam green, pink, then red, and purple.

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Excerpt Madeline McDonnell Excerpt Madeline McDonnell

excerpt from “Lonesome Ballroom”

I didn’t remember ever actually introducing myself to Lizzie, didn’t remember telling the barmaid about my tenuous tenure in what passed in X for an art world, though I must have, at some point, because there she always was, hovering stern and sudden above, everything she wasn’t asking me aloud blaring through her glare.

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Review Drew Dickerson Review Drew Dickerson

Escape Into the Present: On Hari Kunzru

The too-familiar process by which the commercial mainstream comes to subsume always more peripheral cultural elements is one of Kunzru’s compositional black holes. The question of how to make art in conditions of stalled futurity is another.

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Excerpt Imani Elizabeth Jackson Excerpt Imani Elizabeth Jackson

from “Flag”

I imitated a cormorant’s wings with my elbows, flocking with the birds, then I turned to walk home alone.

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