FictionPoetry Joshua Vigil FictionPoetry Joshua Vigil


Last time I saw her, it was also during hurricane season, I said—there to inspect the land before it got washed away, I thought. She wanted to see what our constructed world was like before it was leveled again.

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Excerpt Imani Elizabeth Jackson Excerpt Imani Elizabeth Jackson

from “Flag”

I imitated a cormorant’s wings with my elbows, flocking with the birds, then I turned to walk home alone.

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Excerpt Jordan Dunn Excerpt Jordan Dunn

from “Notation”

The buds are insistent that the roots' energy is expressed despite the trunk’s non-existence, and there is little evidence I have tried to live a single moment with such vigor.

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Review Sophie D'Anieri & Charlie Hope D'Anieri Review Sophie D'Anieri & Charlie Hope D'Anieri

No Desirable Life: On Eva Baltasar’s “Mammoth”

These are in many ways Marxist novels, or at least grounded in Marxist critiques of what the wage and bourgeois society do to the human soul. Labor and land are decisive forces on these characters. They squat in inherited apartments or drift on boats.

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Interview Nik Slackman Interview Nik Slackman

Here Comes the Champ: A Conversation with Nathan Dragon

This never really happens, but I wanted it to be a book that anybody could read, more or less, because I got so many ideas for stories from people I worked with—when I worked on farms or in light construction, or growing up working at a pizza place. I always write and read in the morning, and when I worked on the farms or in construction, I would try to do a little bit before work since I knew the day was going to be tiring.

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