from “The Motherwell Sonnets”
Zach Savich | The Motherwell Sonnets | The Economy Press | June 2023 | 22 Pages
From The Motherwell Sonnets by Zach Savich.
Copyright © 2023 Zach Savich.
Reprinted with permission of The Economy Press.
Zach Savich | The Motherwell Sonnets | The Economy Press | June 2023 | 22 Pages
From The Motherwell Sonnets by Zach Savich.
Copyright © 2023 Zach Savich.
Reprinted with permission of The Economy Press.
Zach Savich is the author of seven collections of poetry, including Momently (Black Ocean, 2024), and several chapbooks, limited-edition volumes, and books of prose. His work has received the Iowa Poetry Prize, the Colorado Prize for Poetry, the CSU Poetry Center’s Open Book Award, and other honors, including residencies from the Vermont Studio Center, ArtPark, and the Chautauqua Institution. His writing has appeared in journals and anthologies including American Poetry Review, Best New Poets, Boston Review, Georgia Review, Poetry Northwest, and elsewhere. Savich teaches at the Cleveland Institute of Art and serves as co-editor of Rescue Press’s Open Prose Series.